By now you must how the Warrior Goddess brand was born! If you are new here let me brief you on it...
Everyone eventually meets their teacher one way or another, and your teacher is either pain or love, and you get to choose... My lack of self-love, self-worth, self-respect, and self-awareness enabled me to choose pain as part of my learning experience - I entertained a psychopath covert narcissist.
Little did I know that instead of attracting a high vibrational man, I was attracting another wound mate (same old love) – a charming covert psychopath. This individual which I am going to name Vasshole (dummy name) showed me what love is NOT all about…
Through him, I experienced first-hand love bombing, ghosting, benching, gaslighting, triangulation, discarding, lying, and other tactics of emotional, psychological abuse and manipulation inflicted by these predators. Learn more about Narcissistic Abuse and Recovery here
Long story short, this individual enabled by his parents was in more than a dozen monogamous and exclusive relationships with Marea, Dona, Claudia, Ramiro, Xavier, Erica, Silvia, Lupita, Danika, Marylou… and of course, ME 😱
More than 2 years of my life wasted, receiving breadcrumbs from a parasite, feeling 24/7 uncertain, ungrounded and disoriented. You don't how dysregulated my parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) was 😱
My fight or flight response was activated constantly... This depleted my life force in such a way...
WFT...How sad is that???
This unhealthy experience was the catalyst to do my inner worth. I channeled those shitty emotions and feelings - betrayal, rage, grief, and sadness by writing empowerment quotes on tees.
Voila that's how the brand was born, if this caught your eye, check my "About Page" to learn more about me and the brand, here is the link:
As you also know, each of my design has a story... The "Audrey Hepburn" collection - cushions, totes, tees, puzzles, notebooks is an homage to this "Warrior Goddess" whom clearly exudes the energy the brand wants to convey.
Audrey looks fragile and feminine but utterly in control. She is a woman that master the fine art of “Female Assertiveness” and the brand’s essence lies in its contrasting features 🌹
When you experience something so traumatic - narcissistic abuse (often coined “rape of the soul”) causes soul loss which is similar to what psychology refers to as “dissociation”, or fragmentation if you are into spirituality. Click here to learn about the "Spiritual Lessons that I Learned from Dating a Narcissist". You experience an array of emotions - you want revenge, you want to tell the world how awful this individual is... a coward, an assclown, and an v-asshole that never takes his/her mask of.
I went there, I wanted to tag this assclown in every single dating site, emailed the other victims - the exes, the parents, his daughter and tell them what a such a coward this man was. I really wanted revenge, scream out loud how broken I was, and of course prevented other women to go through the same pain, I was experiencing.
“My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!” ― William Goldman, The Princess Bride
I spent hours in my mind plotting how I was going to unmask the narcissist... Full disclosure, Google was my BEST friend at the time 😉

“If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.” ― Shannon L. Alder Luckily, at the time, my best friend "Google" also introduced me to Dr. Iñaki Piñuel - a Spanish Psychiatrist specialized in dealing with patients who have experienced Narcissistic and Psychopathic abuse - teaching victims how to survive a romantic relationship with a psychopath is his super power 💪. Thanks to Dr. Iñaki, I was able to understand the magnitude of the trauma I carried (still) around.
He set me up with tools that have enabled me to response to this experience in a different way... he asked me to visualize someone whom I look up to that exemplifies courage, bravery and softness - a Warrior Goddess from head to toe. Audrey Hepburn came to my mind followed by the quote from Marcus Aurelius:
“The best revenge is not to be like your enemy.”
So Goddess, next time you feel you want to poison your mind, body and soul with unkind thoughts ask yourself?
What Would Audrey Do?
This is how the "Audrey Collection and Beauty and The Narcissist were created... As for me, I still feel that one day I will get my revenge (in a classy, graceful and stylish way) and here I quote Mary Higgins Clark:
“When someone is mean to me, I just make them a victim in my next book”. In my case, the catwalk 😉💋😂
Check the Beauty and The Narcissist Collection here!
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